
R5-F7, an astromech droid, operated within Lieutenant Lepira's BTL Y-wing starfighterGold Four. It was instrumental in leading Gold Squadron during the Battle of Yavin during the attack on the first Death Star. Its purpose was to fend off pursuing Imperial fighters, ensuring the Rebels could reach the crucial exhaust port on the Death Star. Tragically, both R5-F7 and Lepira perished in the conflict when their starfighter was shot down.

Behind the scenes

The initial identification of this astromech occurred with its debut as an action figure by Hasbro. This release, a Toys "R" Us exclusive, took place in 2007. The figure was bundled with a BTL Y-wing starfighter, which also included Lepira.

In 2012, R5-F7 was recreated as a LEGO® minifigure. Despite this, an error placed him as the astromech of Dutch Vander. The minifigure was also featured in the 2013 LEGO® Advent calendar, specifically as the surprise for day one.

