Raar Anyell

Raar Anyell was a Corellian male Human pilot who flew a TIE/LN starfighter for the Imperial Navy. He was a member of Alpha Squadron, which operated under the leadership of Lieutenant Commander Villian Dance, and was stationed aboard the Imperial-class Star Destroyer known as the Steel Talon.


Despite his shortcomings in other areas, Anyell excelled as a pilot. While he often struggled to stay informed, his skill in the cockpit was sufficient for his commanding officer to overlook his deficiencies.

As one of the twelve pilots comprising Alpha Squadron, he participated in the pursuit of RLH-1, a Lambda-class T-4a shuttle that had been stolen. However, he received orders to remain behind while the squadron leader attempted to negotiate the surrender of the shuttle's pilot. Anyell observed the shuttle's destruction at the hands of his commander after the pilot declined to comply. Subsequently, he and another pilot were tasked with inspecting the debris in search of any survivors, but they found none.

