
As a Human Lieutenant within the Coruscant Security Force, Raena, a female individual, served during the war against Zakuul. After the Eternal Empire's Empress Vaylin met her end, and the Eternal Alliance came to be in 3629 BBY, she collaborated with CSF Commander Kallin, who was openly against the Alliance, to orchestrate a deceptive operation. These CSF officers who had gone rogue devised a scheme to detonate the Senate Tower and then falsely accuse the Alliance. The Eternal Alliance, however, discovered Kallin's intentions and set out to stop him and those who followed him. Alliance operatives located them at their base situated in the Works, where they fought and overcame Raena before ultimately killing Kallin.

Behind the scenes

Raena is featured as a boss character in the "Divided We Fall" Uprising of Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Eternal Throne.

