Raid on Pantolomin

The Raid of Pantolomin, an event that unfolded during the Thrawn campaign, saw Grand Admiral Thrawn successfully acquire the location of the legendary Katana fleet.


In the year 9 ABY, while seeking details regarding the Katana fleet, Han Solo and Lando Calrissian made their way to the Coral Vanda. Their aim was to encounter Captain Hoffner, the individual who had discovered the fleet some years prior.

However, Imperial Intelligence had also identified Hoffner, leading Grand Admiral Thrawn to dispatch Niles Ferrier with orders to apprehend him.

The Battle

Ferrier and his mercenaries had already captured Hoffner, preventing Han Solo and Lando Calrissian from meeting him. Despite Solo and Calrissian's attempts to rescue Hoffner, the Coral Vanda was compelled to surface and surrender due to the turbolaser fire from the Chimaera. Stormtroopers quickly boarded the vessel, forcing Solo and Calrissian to flee in an escape craft.


Niles Ferrier delivered Hoffner into the custody of Grand Admiral Thrawn. Thrawn then managed to persuade the captain, through financial incentives to avoid wasting time, to reveal the coordinates of the Katana fleet.

Talon Karrde subsequently provided the coordinates to the New Republic to prevent Thrawn from acquiring the fleet. Yet, due to political debates within the New Republic Provisional Council, the New Republic Navy reacted too slowly to effectively impede Thrawn. Ultimately, Thrawn succeeded in securing almost the entirety of the fleet.

