Rale was a lieutenant in service to the Galactic Republic, identified as a Human of male gender.
He once found himself stationed on the vast city moon known as Nar Shaddaa. During the Cold War era, specifically in the year 3643 BBY, Rale, accompanied by several fellow officers, ventured into Club Ufora, a cantina situated within the Red Light Sector in the underbelly of Nar Shaddaa. Unexpectedly, his companions were imprisoned and transported away, while Rale himself was confined to the club's rear chamber. Trapped inside a slave crate, Rale remained ignorant of the unfolding events, only aware that a single officer had returned, exhibiting a noticeable "difference."
An Evocii named Ilox observed the group's entrance into the cantina and their subsequent disappearance. Concerned about potential trouble, Ilox launched an investigation, uncovering the truth. He then contacted a Republic ally, requesting assistance in freeing Rale and any other potential captives. This individual battled through armed adversaries and guards, ultimately securing Rale's release. Rale informed his rescuer of his suspicion that the remaining officers might have been taken to the Quarantine Zone. Determined to prevent any harm from befalling the remaining officers, the hero promptly made his way to that location.