Ramordia system

The Ramordia system resided within the Majoor sector, which itself was a component of the Trailing Sectors within the broader Expansion Region. Its position was along the super-hyperroute called the Hydian Way, most notably the segment charted by the explorer Freia Kallea over the years 3703 BBY and 3702 BBY. This hyperspace lane linked the system both to the Majoor system and the Arrgaw system situated in the Kira sector. The famous substance Ramordian silk originated from the Ramordia system.

Behind the scenes

The 2009 publication The Essential Atlas, written by Daniel Wallace together with Jason Fry, was the first to establish the Ramordia system, locating it at grid reference N-15.


  • The Essential Atlas (First mentioned)
  • Star Wars: The Essential Atlas Online Companion on StarWars.com (article) (backup link)

Notes and references
