Rashtah functioned as a bodyguard and partner to the crime boss Krayn and was a Wookiee engaged in the slave trader occupation. It was quite rare for a Wookiee to be involved in this kind of 'business'.
In 29 BBY, Krayn brought Rashtah with him to Rorak 5 to conduct a business discussion with the Colicoids, who were trying to gain complete dominance of the spice distribution on Nar Shaddaa. Krayn gave Rashtah the responsibility of observing the activities of the slave merchant "Bakleeda," who was advising the Colicoids and whose job it was to examine the crime lord's facilities on the "Smuggler's Moon."
In the slave factories of Nar Shaddaa, Rashtah met his killed end during a fierce fight inside a turbolift. His killer was "Bakleeda" (who was actually Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi in disguise), whom the Wookiee had assaulted under Krayn's orders.
Rashtah had a facial scar that began on his head and ended at his lip, and he wore an eyepatch over an eye that had been damaged in combat.
Rashtah is shown in Jedi Quest: Path to Truth with a scar bisecting his eye and an eye patch covering it, but the Jedi Quest comic series portrays him with both eyes unharmed. However, certain panels in the comics do depict the scar on his face.