The rebel speeder represents a starship model that saw action in the conflict between the First Order and the Resistance, otherwise known as the war, and was employed by the Mining Guild. A number of these starships became part of the Citizens' Fleet that General Lando Calrissian brought together to support the Resistance when facing the forces of the Sith Eternal during the Battle of Exegol.
The craft featured a cockpit on the front starboard side for the pilot, along with a turret that held twin laser cannons, positioned towards the rear and operated by a gunner. The speeder also included two laser cannons at the front, two engines, and a hyperdrive.

The rebel speeder made its debut in Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker. Its identification was revealed in the "A Final Alliance" clip, a behind-the-scenes featurette included with the Target exclusive edition of the home video release.