Redkihl Rokk, known throughout the galaxy as the Scavenger of the Galaxy, was a Huralok pirate and salvager. His existence came to an end at the hands of Han Solo amidst the debris field of the original Death Star. Rokk was forced to regularly administer life-sustaining drugs and nutrients to his body. He was permanently connected via small tubes to the control center of his vessel, the Hungry Ghost.
Rokk commanded his own pirate group. Before the outbreak of the Galactic Civil War, he led his band of pirates aboard the starship Hungry Ghost throughout the Outer Rim territories. Rather than resorting to lethal force, he would maneuver his ship close enough to enemy vessels to deploy spider droids onto them. These droids would incapacitate the crew, allowing Redkihl Rokk's pirates to plunder the ship for valuables before leaving it adrift in space.
Even as the Republic transformed into the Galactic Empire, Rokk remained a notorious figure among the galaxy's pirates. Shortly after the Battle of Yavin, he journeyed to Yavin 4 with a squadron of crimson TIE fighters with the intention of eliminating an old adversary, Han Solo, and any passengers aboard the Millennium Falcon. He boarded the vessel and attempted to assassinate Solo, Leia Organa, Chewbacca, and C-3PO using his spider droids, but his plan failed. He then dispatched a team of pirate crewman armed with vibroblades to kill the passengers; however, this attempt also failed when Luke Skywalker suddenly arrived from hyperspace.
Rokk gave the order for all of the ship's laser cannons to target Skywalker's T-65 X-wing, and he damaged the ship, causing the small fighter to crash into one of the Hungry Ghost 's many hangar bays. Another group of pirates was dispatched to eliminate Luke, but the group escaped soon after and destroyed Rokk and his ship with a bomb.
Rokk was known for his extreme brutality. He was considered violent even by pirate standards, but he would only kill when absolutely necessary, preferring to incapacitate his opponents with his spider droids. His pirate crew was fiercely loyal to him. His reputation as the "scavenger of the galaxy" stemmed from his habit of looting every ship encountered by the Hungry Ghost.
Redkihl Rokk suffered from severe health problems both during and after the Old Republic era, requiring constant injections of drugs and medications to sustain his life.