Regulator X-Q2 System Patrol Cruiser

The Regulator X-Q2 System Patrol Cruiser, alternatively referred to as simply the Regulator, represented a scout starship produced by the Loronar Corporation.

Reaching a length of one-hundred-and-fifty meters, the Regulator X-Q2 had the capacity to carry a maximum of fifteen troopers along with five hundred metric tons of cargo. Operation of the vessel necessitated a crew of nine individuals, with five members of the crew responsible for manning the ship's laser cannons as gunners. Similar to the IPV-1 system patrol craft, the Regulator lacked a hyperdrive.

These vessels saw service in patrolling regions of space that had already been brought under control.

During the Battle of Bissillirus at the Bissillirus Resupply Base, two of these ships were involved.

Behind the scenes

The X-Q2 makes an appearance within West End Games' Star Wars Gamemaster Kit.

Within the adventure titled Return to Bundim, a suggested course of action involves seizing an X-Q2 and subsequently employing it to break through the blockade positioned at Bundim.

