
Reirin, a youthful woman of the Tusken Raider species, yearned to demonstrate her worth to her community. Despite being among the most skilled warriors in her group, she resented the limitations placed upon female combatants by her clan. Ultimately, Reirin departed, having accepted employment from a merchant in Mos Eisley to retrieve an object from a Jawa tribe, in return for transportation away from Tatooine. Following Owen Lars and Luke Skywalker's acquisition of R5-D4, she exploited the droid's breakdown as a diversion, enabling her to secretly board the sandcrawler. After gaining entry, she found and forced open a corroded container holding wires, animal remains, and a shard of green stone. After taking the rock, she narrowly avoided detection by the Jawas. After examining the rock, she sensed a strong affinity for it. Reirin concluded that the item was more accurately described as a crystal than a mere rock, and resolved to retain it rather than surrender it to the trader, planning to secure alternative means of leaving the planet.

