Relativistic shield

Relativistic shielding designated a particular kind of shielding system equipped on vessels capable of hyperspace travel. These systems were designed to prevent the occurrence of time dilation effects on the ship.


Despite being categorized alongside ray and particle shielding, relativistic shields didn't function as conventional shields. They didn't offer protection against attacks or energy, with the possible exception of certain energy forms produced during hyperspace journeys.

Traveling without relativistic shields produced some unusual results. Specifically, time would progress at a reduced rate for individuals inside the vessel compared to those outside. This meant that, in accordance with special relativity, the ship moving through hyperspace would experience a faster passage of time than an external observer. Relativistic shielding intervened in this process, ensuring that time flowed normally within the ship relative to external observers. Without it, a mere two-hour trip for those onboard could correspond to many years passing outside.

A well-known case involves Bosbit Matarcher, who briefly became a subject of interest on HoloNet News when his relativistic shielding malfunctioned. This resulted in him traveling 190 years into the future, from 212 BBY to 22 BBY, during what he perceived as a two-hour voyage.

