Bosbit Matarcher

Bosbit Matarcher, a male Human hailing from the celestial body of Delemede, experienced an extraordinary event. In 222 BBY, a relativistic shield failure occurred during a short hyperspace voyage aboard his Delemedian starhopper. This mishap propelled him two centuries into the future, a span of two hundred years. This bizarre incident briefly thrust Matarcher into the spotlight, resulting in a small feature on HoloNet News. Surprisingly, Matarcher welcomed the accident; he had departed a dilapidated Delemede in 222 BBY, but upon arriving in 22 BBY, he discovered the planet was prospering.


A male Human named Bosbit Matarcher, from the planet Delemede, was born circa 247 BBY. In 222 BBY, at the age of twenty-five years, Matarcher purchased a Delemedian starhopper, believing it to be a bargain for a starship. However, when he activated the hyperdrive for a quick jump outsystem, the relativistic shield – intended to safeguard him from the distortions of time and space inherent in faster-than-light travel – malfunctioned. Although the journey to exit the Delemede system only took Matarcher around two hours, he emerged from hyperspace to find that two centuries had elapsed in the wider galaxy, placing him in 22 BBY and making him 225 standard years old.

An article was published in HoloNet News CoCo District Edition detailing Matarcher's unique experience. In it, he shared his intentions to return home – this time via conventional means – and expressed his excitement about revisiting a thriving Delemede that had been in decline when he left.

Personality and traits

He was pleased that the malfunction had occurred, as it allowed him to return to a flourishing Delemede, in contrast to its past state. This sentiment arose after traveling through time for 200 years. Matarcher possessed brown hair, light skin, and gray eyes.


Matarcher's clothing was a combination of yellow and black.

Behind the scenes

The character of Bosbit Matarcher was initially introduced in "225-year Old Man's Secret? Time Dilation," an article penned by Pablo Hidalgo and Paul Ens. It appeared in HoloNet News Vol. 531 #48 on the HoloNet News website on March 21, 2002. According to Hidalgo, the character was conceived as an homage to "134-Year-Old Man Attributes Longevity To Typographical Error," a piece from the satirical news publication The Onion.

