The Rendili Home Fleet, also known as the Rendili Home Defense Fleet, served as the space-based defensive force protecting the shipyard planet of Rendili.
During the era of the Clone Wars, Captain Jace Dallin, a staunch loyalist to the Republic and a veteran of the Stark Hyperspace War, held command of the Home Defense Fleet. He operated from the Mersel Kebir, the flagship Dreadnaught of Rendili. When the pro-Separatist Independent Provisional Government of Rendili seized control of Rendili, Lieutenant Mellor Yago took Jace Dallin into custody on the flagship. Dallin's crime was attempting to lead the fleet in a defection to the Republic, alongside the visiting Jedi, with the intention of withdrawing and aligning with the Confederacy's military forces—with Yago now in charge.
With assistance from the Jedi Knights Obi-Wan Kenobi and Quinlan Vos, as well as Republic Captain Jan Dodonna, Captain Dallin successfully regained control of the command ship. He then directed the Home Defense Fleet's firepower against the Separatist vessels that had joined the battle, securing a decisive victory in favor of the Republic.
However, this event provided Palpatine with the justification needed to place the autonomous naval defense forces of Republic-aligned worlds under his direct executive control. The vessels of the Rendili Home Defense Fleet were repurposed as dungeon ships. Shortly after the Declaration of a New Order, Jace Dallin suffered the unfortunate distinction of becoming the first captain within the Imperial Navy to face summary execution by Darth Vader for his refusal to obey orders.
During the crisis involving the Rendili Fleet, the Home Defense Fleet was composed of a force consisting of Rendili StarDrive's Dreadnaught-class heavy cruisers, whose systems were interconnected via slave circuits. On the bridge of the Mersel Kebir, officers wore a blue uniform, complemented by a padded leather collar that covered the shoulders, and a decorative tabard.