Renn Tharen

Renn Tharen, a Corellian male Human, was a prosperous entrepreneur residing on Corellia and the progenitor of Bria Tharen. He was wed to Sera Tharen, and together they had a son named Pavik Tharen. Upon Bria's return from Ylesia accompanied by Han Solo, Renn stood alone within his family in his favorable view of Solo. Renn perceived a shared connection with Han, recognizing that he, too, had navigated challenging circumstances prior to achieving prosperity. Following Bria's departure from Han on Coruscant, she secured a loan from her father, which she then passed on to Han; a debt he ultimately settled. Subsequent to Han's acceptance into the Academy on Carida, he made an attempt to locate Bria by reaching out to Renn. After Bria's demise on Toprawa while recovering the Death Star plans, Han took it upon himself to inform Renn of her passing.

