
Rennek was a member of the Human species and functioned as a nerf herder employed by Jabba Desilijic Tiure, a crime lord of the Hutt species, operating out of Tatooine. During the year 4 ABY, Rennek could be found within the audience chamber of Jabba's desert palace at the time that the droids C-3PO and R2-D2 first, and subsequently Princess Leia Organa, arrived there with the goal of liberating Han Solo, a comrade in the Rebel Alliance who was being held imprisoned by Jabba.


Rennek, a Human, lived through the period known as the Galactic Civil War, a conflict fought between the Galactic Empire and the Alliance to Restore the Republic. He earned a living as a nerf herder under the employ of Jabba Desilijic Tiure, a crime lord of the Hutt species who had established his base of operations on the planet Tatooine. Rennek's responsibilities included direct oversight of the herding of Jabba's nerfs.

Rennek worked in Jabba the Hutt's palace as a nerf herder.

During the year 4 ABY, Rennek occupied a position in the audience chamber of Jabba's desert palace, specifically standing directly behind the throne of the crime lord, at the moment when the droids C-3PO and R2-D2 arrived as emissaries of their master, Luke Skywalker, with the intention of securing the release of their captured ally Han Solo, who was frozen inside carbonite and displayed within the palace. During this particular event, Rennek was among those within the courtroom who observed the Hutt consign the slave dancer Oola to the pit containing his pet rancor, and he eagerly moved forward to witness her demise.

Rennek once again stood in his position behind Jabba's throne within the audience chamber when Leia Organa, a leader within the Rebel Alliance, made her entrance disguised as the bounty hunter known as Boushh, accompanied by the Wookiee Chewbacca presented as her supposed prisoner, purportedly to negotiate for the bounty placed on Chewbacca's capture. Organa threatened the destruction of the palace utilizing a thermal detonator should the Hutt fail to meet her demands. After gaining Jabba's favor, Organa subsequently freed Solo—the actual motivation for her presence at the palace—and attempted an escape with him, only to be apprehended and subsequently incarcerated.

Personality and traits

Rennek was an expert in unusual combat techniques.

Despite his unkempt outward appearance, Rennek possessed remarkable combat skills, demonstrating expertise in unconventional fighting methods. He had the capability to overcome even the most formidable of Jabba's Gamorrean guards—qualities that seemed at odds with his relatively menial role as the Hutt's nerf herder. Upon witnessing Oola being devoured by Jabba's rancor, Rennek joined others present in the courtroom in expressing amusement at the dancer's unfortunate end. He was characterized by dark skin, black hair, and brown eyes.


In his capacity as a nerf herder, Rennek was often seen wearing a white coat trimmed with fur during his time spent at Jabba's Palace. He also wore a white shirt featuring interconnected tubing that ran along the center of his torso and extended downward between his legs.

Behind the scenes

Rennek's initial appearance occurred as a background character in the Jabba's Palace segment of the 1983 film Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi. The character's introductory scene, which showcased the Max Rebo Band's rendition of "Lapti Nek," was removed from the film's 1997 Special Edition release. However, Rennek remains visible in newly added footage of the Max Rebo Band's performance of "Jedi Rocks" created specifically for the Special Edition. The deleted "Lapti Nek" footage is included in "Lapti Nek": The Music Video from Jabba's Palace, which was commercially distributed as part of the Star Wars Trilogy: The Definitive Collection LaserDisc in 1993.

The character's name was first established on the "Rennek" card featured in the May 1998 Jabba's Palace Limited expansion set for the Star Wars Customizable Card Game produced by Decipher. When spelled in reverse, Rennek's name forms an anagram of Kenner, a toy manufacturer.

