Repulsorlift harvester

Repulsorlift Harvester The Sea Sprite, a repulsorlift harvester on Kaal Harvesters utilizing repulsorlift technology were essentially enormous, mobile factories, designed to hover over the oceans of a given planet. Their function was to gather sustenance from the seas, process it through separation techniques, preserve its integrity, and package it for commercial distribution. Planets like Ando and Kaal made use of these repulsorlift harvesters. The HV6 Harvester Factory was a product of Ubrikkian Industries, and one such unit, known as the Bountiful, was in operation on Ando during the time of the Galactic Civil War. Tirgee Benyalle managed several repulsorlift harvesters during the era of the New Republic, including one named the Sea Sprite.

