Rescue runner

Margravine Quenelle of Nallastia possessed a rescue runner of Nallastian make. In the year 23 BBY, she piloted it to a rendezvous point in deep-space inside the Tapani sector to have a meeting with Senator Rodd from Fondor.

Quenelle and Rodd both asserted their claims to salvage rights concerning what they each alleged was the ancient vessel known as the Sun Runner, a ship that seemed to have recently resurfaced. (However, the derelict was actually a counterfeit ship created by Groodo, a Hutt, as part of a plot to demolish the Fondor Shipyards and its surface manufacturing facilities.) Jedi Knight Bultar Swan supervised their negotiations regarding salvage rights inside the salon pod aboard the Republic cruiser called Unitive. The Jedi pair of Obi-Wan Kenobi, a Master, and Anakin Skywalker, his apprentice, were also present, as they were on a mission to Fondor.

