Resta Shug Hai

Resta Shug Hai was the final surviving member of her clan, a female X'Ting hailing from Ord Cestus. She was also affiliated with Desert Wind, a terrorist organization in opposition to the Five Families who controlled her planet. Living as a farmer alongside her husband, they cultivated the land in the vicinity of Kibo Lake. Following her husband's death in approximately 22 BBY while attempting to earn additional income in the local mines, she readily became part of the resistance led by Jedi Master Kit Fisto. When the Galactic Republic clone trooper named Jangotat was presented to her needing medical attention, she provided care until his health was restored. As Jangotat departed to eliminate the Five Families, she implored him to allow her to accompany him; however, he denied her request, stating that she was needed to safeguard her clan's traditions.

