The anarchist guerrilla group known as the Desert Wind emerged to fight against the oppressive actions of Cestus Cybernetics on the world of Ord Cestus amidst "the Uprisings" circa 121 BBY. By 51 BBY, Thak Val Zsing had risen to lead the group. While Desert Wind frequently engaged in abduction, they were not known for killing the people they took. Skot OnSon held the distinction of being the youngest within their ranks, and Resta Shug Hai was the sole X'Ting among them. Ultimately, the movement met its end in 22 BBY. In an attempt to revive the group a year later during the Clone Wars, Kit Fisto brought Advanced Recon Commando A-98 along with some clone commandos. He and Obi-Wan Kenobi were dispatched to prevent the Confederacy of Independent Systems from incorporating a Force-sensitive bio-droid, the JK-13 security droid (known as the Jedi-Killer), into their forces. Kit and the clones proceeded to train and enlist fresh recruits. A droid assault decimated the Desert Wind encampment, causing significant casualties. Kit, Obi-Wan, a pair of clone troopers, and approximately half of the Desert Wind fighters managed to live and get away.