
Revyia, the planet that served as the native world for the Revwien species, was situated within the Veragi sector of the Outer Rim.


Located in the [Outer Rim Territories](/article/outer_rim_territories-legends], Revyia was positioned in the Veragi sector, approximately equidistant from the Pits of Plooma and the Galactic Rim. Its landscape featured jungles, lakes, rivers, and wild groves. The urpine, a carnivorous species, was known for its ability to defend against marauding herds of herbivores.


The Revwien species originated on Revyia, which was their homeworld. Their history, as told through seemingly contradictory myths and legends, spoke of large and mighty cities dominated by powerful artifacts. However, archaeologists have been unable to find concrete evidence of a technologically advanced society in Revwien's pre-history. The Revwien lived in groves in the wilds of Revyia, and some groups kept carnivorous animals as pets to protect themselves from herbivores. Though the world's major communities were an infrequent stop for several independent freighters, Revwiens were not materialistic and had little of value to trade.

The Tyia Force tradition was introduced to Revyia in 30 BBY by a missionary who arrived on an independent freighter.

Before joining the Rebel Alliance, Han Solo attended an Ithorian Herd Meet in deep space near Revyia to smuggle around one hundred kilograms of rock ivory to Grambo the Worrt.

