Rhigar 3

Rhigar 3, the farthest of the three moons circling the planet Rhigar found within the Rata Nebula, held the Chiss military academy where Jag Fel was once a student. From the perspective of the planet's surface, Rhigar 3 had a blue color, suggesting that it was likely largely, if not completely, composed of water.

Despite its orbital distance beyond Asdroni and the inner forest moon, Rhigar 3 possessed a near-tropical climate, complete with oceans boasting significant coral formations.

Behind the scenes

The majority of details known about Rhigar 3, including its designation, originate from the book The New Jedi Order: Dark Journey. In Red Sky, Blue Flame, the academy world's third moon is merely referred to as "distant" and "blue." It is from this singular reference to the name Rhigar 3 that the name Rhigar has been attributed to the academy world itself. The name of the planet was later verified in The Essential Atlas.

