Rianitus Period

The historical epoch called the Rianitus Period spanned the years 9000 BBY through 8000 BBY. It is noted in the annals of history for the 275-year rule of the Hutt known as Blotus. Near the conclusion of this era, approximately 8000 BBY, the Republic founded a forward operating base on the eastern landmass of Malastare.

Chronology of the Rianitus Period

  • Circa 9000 BBY: The commencement of the Rianitus Period. Jiroch-Reslia becomes a member of the Galactic Republic.

  • Around 8000 BBY: The Galactic Republic sets up a minor installation on the eastern part of Malastare. The Gran people initially colonize Malastare. The Republic begins the colonization of Elrood. The Ithorians and Corellians discover Goroth Prime. Due to Splendid Ap's actions, three Stormtroopers materialize on an unknown world, having been displaced from the year 0 ABY. The planet designated Clak'dor I is consumed as its parent star, Colu, expands. The Rianitus Period comes to a close.

