
Rik-tak, a cab driver working for the Justice Action Network, plied his trade within the Tapani sector throughout the Galactic Civil War. Due to his profession, he frequently gained access to intelligence valuable to the JAN via eavesdropping on his fares. The Rodian named Kelsek, who worked near the Mrlsst Trade and Science Academy in order to enlist new members for the JAN, was a fellow operative and corresponded with Rik-tak.

Rik-tak's fur was a rust-brown hue, and he possessed a whip-like tail, clawed hands, and a long snout featuring prominent incisors, all characteristics common to his species. He typically wore a large brown cloak, complete with a snug hood, and a belt adorned with a multitude of pockets and pouches. Despite lacking refined manners, he was typically seen as affable.


  • Lords of the Expanse (First mentioned)
