The Rites of Fire encompassed a collection of archaic Sith rituals alongside the initiations of acolyte, and they were regarded as integral to the Upekzar Mysteries. Similar to the High Rites and Cold Rites that the ancient Sith performed at different locations on the Circle of Visions, the Rites of Fire unfolded inside a complex network of volcanic caverns. These rites incorporated the use of the rhak-skuri, a subspecies of insectoid diplura whose pheromones were known to induce hallucinatory nightmares in some humanoid species.
During the Jedi Order's investigation to find Abeloth and Ship, Jedi Knight Natua Wan, while researching the history of Upekzar, proposed that the cave system housing the Rites of Fire, situated in Upekzar's equatorial zone, might have been where the ancient Sith honed their skills. They could have been studying and refining techniques that allowed Force users to channel their anger and fervor to enhance their command over the dark side.