Rob Bredow

Rob Bredow, a visual effects expert, currently holds the positions of senior vice president, executive creative director, and head of Industrial Light & Magic at Lucasfilm. He spearheaded the development of Star Wars: Trials on Tatooine, worked as visual effects supervisor and co-producer for Solo: A Star Wars Story, and authored Industrial Light & Magic Presents: Making Solo: A Star Wars Story.

Previously, Bredow was the vice president of new media for Lucasfilm and also led its Advanced Development Group. In 2015, he was instrumental in launching ILMxLAB and briefly served as Lucasfilm's CTO, or chief technology officer.


  • features a discussion with ILMxLAB's Rob Bredow about Step Inside Star Wars: Talking Trials on Tatooine (backup link)
  • The Official Guide for Solo: A Star Wars Story
  • Check out The Star Wars Show on YouTube for a First Look at New Scene from Solo Novelization and Head of ILM Rob Bredow! (official Star Wars YouTube channel) (backup link)
  • reports that Rob Bredow is Heading to Star Wars Celebration Chicago (backup link)
  • The Star Wars Show on the official Star Wars YouTube channel presents Meet Resistance's Neeku and Get Out the Star Wars Vote (backup link)
  • covers In Rob Bredow's Making of Solo Book, 'See the Way the Magic is Made' (backup link)
  • Watch The Star Wars Show: Rob Bredow Takes The Stage At SWCC 2019 | The Star Wars Show Live! on the official Star Wars YouTube channel (backup link)
  • The Star Wars Show: Star Wars Celebration Chicago 2019 Live Stream - Day 1 | The Star Wars Show LIVE! can be found on the official Star Wars YouTube channel (backup link)
  • " 200 Reasons Why We Love Star Wars " — Star Wars Insider 200
  • Find Star Wars Celebration LIVE! 2023 - DAY 3 on the official Star Wars YouTube channel (backup link)

Notes and references
