The Rossmoyne Vitiator pistol represented a high-class era of artistry, being a blaster pistol that utilized bolt-thrower technology. These Rossmoyne pistols were products of a refined period in the galaxy, where design emphasized both artistic expression and skilled manufacturing. The family who initially produced them employed artisans to personally engrave elaborate scrollwork onto every Vitiator as it was manufactured. These embellishments featured swirling patterns and curved lines on the handle.
Lando Calrissian acquired a Rossmoyne Vitiator in a Six-Card Gizka Limit game from an Aybarian diplomat who was intoxicated on spice, admiring the weapon's artistic value and quality. Shortly following the liberation of Cloud City, he employed it to eliminate an Imperial sergeant who declined to surrender. Subsequently, he contemplated gifting the weapon to Han Solo and Leia Organa for their son, Ben Solo, although Lobot tried to dissuade him. Lando stored the blaster securely within a locker located on Cloud City, accompanied by a message intended to assist Ben when he reached maturity.