Rouge Organa was a Human female from Alderaan, belonging to the esteemed Organa family. She was the sister of Bail, Celly, and Tia Organa, and served as the adoptive aunt to Leia Organa. A woman of strict and traditional values, Rouge played a significant role in Leia's upbringing, instilling in her the customs and protocols of Alderaanian high society. Tragically, in 0 BBY, Rouge Organa perished when the planet Alderaan was obliterated.
Rouge Organa, a female Human, entered the world during the waning years of the Galactic Republic on the beautiful planet of Alderaan. Alderaan, renowned for its cultural richness and advanced education, had been a beacon of civilization for centuries. As a member of the illustrious and affluent House Organa, she was destined for a life of privilege. Born to the Viceroy Organa, she was one of four siblings, including Tia, Celly, and Bail Prestor Organa. Upon completing her education and reaching adulthood, Rouge was presented at a debutante ball on Coruscant, the capital of the Republic. It was customary for young noblewomen to attend such events in the hope of finding a suitable husband from a distinguished lineage. Eventually, Rouge Organa married and established her own family. Meanwhile, her brother, Bail Prestor Organa, ascended to the position of Viceroy and First Chairman of the Alderaan system and became the husband of Queen Breha Antilles.
Following the conclusion of the Clone Wars, a widespread conflict that spanned three years across the galaxy, Rouge's brother adopted the daughter of the late Senator Padmé Amidala, a young child named Leia. Rouge Organa, along with her sisters Tia and Celly, assisted their brother in raising his adopted daughter, relocating to the Royal Palace on Aldera. By the time Leia was a young child, Rouge Organa had become a widow.
Rouge and her sisters engaged instructors of etiquette in order to educate young Leia, with the intention of transforming their somewhat unruly niece into a "proper" princess. Among these instructors was the formidable Madame Vesta, the headmistress of the Alderaan Select Academy for Young Ladies. The Organa sisters would frequently attend to the Princess's attire and hair themselves, often to Leia's dismay. In 1 BBY, Rouge accompanied Leia Organa, by now a young adult and a Senator, to a levee on Coruscant, along with her siblings. When her niece inquired about the jeweled concubines of the Galactic Emperor Palpatine, Rouge adopted an air of superiority and stated that a Princess was not required to associate with such individuals.

A year later, the Galactic Empire made the decision to inflict a severe punishment upon all Alderaanians, due to their Viceroy's involvement with the Alliance to Restore the Republic. The Imperial Grand Moff Tarkin resolved to employ his new superweapon, the Death Star, to instill fear and maintain control over rebellious star systems. The tranquil planet of Alderaan was obliterated by a single green blast from the Death Star's superlaser, an event witnessed in horror by the captive Princess Leia. Despite the challenges and occasional unpleasantness of her upbringing under her aunts, Leia Organa was immediately overwhelmed with grief upon realizing that they were gone forever. Years later, the Princess, by then the Chief of State of the New Republic, would often reflect on her Aunt Rouge.
Rouge Organa, a fair-skinned Human female, typically wore her long hair bound, as was the tradition among Alderaanian adults, and adorned it with flowers. In the evenings, she enjoyed being attended to by servants who would style her hair in front of a gilded mirror in her boudoir before dinner. As a refined woman of wealth, Rouge Organa favored wearing iridescent Old Republic bronze earrings, a preference she shared with her sisters. Conversely, she detested semi-dry wines, deeming them unrefined and only suitable for space-hoppers. A proud and gossipy noblewoman, she openly scorned Palpatine's Imperial concubines. Rouge Organa placed a high value on patience and endeavored to instill this virtue in her niece. The dowager emphasized the importance of etiquette and would not hesitate to correct those of high standing regarding their offspring's behavior in public. She also held firm views on the proper attire for a respectable woman.

The three dowager aunts of Princess Leia were first mentioned in Children of the Jedi, a novel from 1995 by Barbara Hambly. Rouge Organa, specifically, was mentioned by name eleven times throughout the novel, twice as often as Celly and more than three times as often as Tia. While Rouge, Tia, and Celly Organa were created to fill the role of a mother figure for the young Leia, early sources such as Star Wars (1977) 53 suggest that a woman Leia referred to as "mother" survived until the destruction of Alderaan.
In 1998, Rouge Organa received a brief mention in Jude Watson's Star Wars Journal: Captive to Evil, a retelling of the events of Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope from Princess Leia's perspective.
In "The Princess Leia Diaries," a short comic by Jason Hall featured in Star Wars Tales 11, Bail Organa's three sisters were depicted for the first time. However, Rouge Organa has not been definitively identified with any of the three aunts in the comic.
Given that the late Queen Mazicia Organa was identified as Bail Organa's mother in Star Wars Blueprints: Rebel Edition, it is possible that she was also the mother of his sisters. However, this specific point has not yet been clarified.