RS Revenge

The RS Revenge served as a cruiser within the Rebel Alliance's fleet during the civil war against the Galactic Empire. Sometime between the events of 0 BBY and 1 ABY, a man named Kazan captained it, and the ship was positioned at a hidden Alliance base located within an asteroid field. As the Rebel-aligned smugglers Han Solo and Chewbacca departed from the base to find the mystical Talisman, Kazan made a starlog entry from the RS Revenge's bridge concerning their mission. This entry, which specifically referenced the cruiser, was later used as the narrative voice-over for a cartoon that was created about the mission.

Behind the scenes

The only appearance of the RS Revenge in Star Wars canon occurs in The Story of the Faithful Wookiee, a cartoon penned by George Lucas and brought to life by Nelvana Studios. Its initial broadcast was on television as a segment of 1978's The Star Wars Holiday Special, and it was subsequently included as a hidden Easter egg within the 2011 Star Wars: The Complete Saga Blu-ray release. The cartoon received late additions in the form of Captain Kazan and the RS Revenge; neither character nor ship appear in the fourth revision of the Holiday Special's script.

