Rucksack of the Tusken King

The Rucksack of the Tusken King represented a backpack ingeniously fashioned from the skull of a juvenile krayt dragon. This unique pack belonged to the Tusken King, the chieftain of a Tusken Raider community. Seemingly just a symbol of dominance, it served practically as a functional backpack. During the Tusken Raider tribe's attack upon the city of Mos Espa located on the planet Tatooine soon after the Battle of Yavin, the King carried the pack into the fray. Upon his death and the subsequent defeat of his tribe through the collaborative efforts of the townsfolk and a band of spacers, the rucksack was plundered from his deceased body.

Behind the scenes

The Rucksack of the Tusken King was featured as a wearable container (specifically, a backpack) in the 2003 MMORPG Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided. Its introduction to the game occurred on November 1, 2007 alongside the debut of the Tusken Army heroic instance. Obtaining the Tusken King Rucksack schematic from the Tusken King's remains was a rare occurrence. After acquiring it, a character with the Domestic Goods Trader profession was required to learn and then craft the rucksack. This rucksack offered a slightly larger storage capacity than a standard backpack, and it provided notable enhancements to the player's combat statistics when equipped. Furthermore, it was present as an "Item" card within the Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game set Squadrons Over Corellia, acting as a reward for every player that finished the Tusken Army "Heroic encounter," which was launched at the same time as the set.

