The Ry'coz were a sentient species that originated on Novor 23, which was the only inhabitable planet within the Novor system. Positioned on the Sisar Run hyperlane, this system resided at the northern border of the Periphery—a compact area of space seized by the Galactic Empire and previously part of Hutt Space. Collaborating with Human immigrants, as well as those of other species, the Ry'coz fostered a prosperous economy and vibrant cultural environment. This prosperity drew the attention of Jatayus Outbound, a shipping enterprise, leading them to locate their headquarters on the Ry'coz's homeworld. Sprax, a Vigo of the Black Sun, maintained his villa retreat in the Vos'yr valley of the planet.
The Ry'coz's genesis was in Secrets of the Sisar Run, a resource for a roleplaying game released by West End Games during 1997.