During the era of the Cold War, Paige and Rose Tico embarked on a dangerous undertaking: to disrupt a squadron of mining bombers associated with the First Order, all in the name of freeing their homeworld, Hays Minor. Riding a speeder bike, they neared a facility overseen by Captain Wolstenholme, employing a tool to breach the exterior barrier. After gaining entry, Paige Tico taunted a contingent of First Order Snowtroopers before making a quick escape on her vehicle. As the soldiers turned their attention to capturing the older Tico, Rose Tico skillfully altered the bombers' guidance and armaments, subsequently rejoining her sibling and departing the facility.
The bombing fleet's demise forced the First Order to pause their mining activities. Nevertheless, within a mere three days, the Order managed to replenish their lost equipment and restart the mining process. This outcome deeply disheartened the Tico sisters, leading them to depart their homeworld shortly thereafter, prompted by their parents' encouragement. In retaliation for what they considered an act of terrorism, the First Order established a blockade of the system, ultimately resulting in the ruin of Hays Minor.