Sabre Club

The Sabre Club stood as the most opulent and selective casino within the Ace of Sabres. Its membership was capped at a mere 999 individuals, each required to remit 25,000 credits to secure a two-year tenure. Every member received a holocard which stored a genetic sample, voice print, and retinal scan. Furthermore, it featured a tamper-proof holographic lightsaber pattern. Entry to the club was strictly contingent upon presentation of this card.

The Sabre Club employed Kubaz culinary experts capable of fulfilling any gastronomic desire. A substantial data repository was also available for patron use. The lounge was equipped with every contemporary amenity. A grand banquet hall, accommodating 500 guests, adorned with relics and treasures from countless worlds, was a key feature. Securing membership was a process that involved a considerable wait.

Gandin T'Noull oversaw its operations.


  • Wretched Hives of Scum & Villainy
