Sadon Shipwrights was a manufacturer responsible for the creation of starships during the era of the Old Sith Wars.
Prior to the Mandalorian Wars by a few years, Sadon Shipwrights brought the Dionad-class transport to the market. Subsequently, during the Dark Wars, they initiated the manufacturing of an improved iteration of the Dionad-class, which became known as the Heraklon-class transport.
To lower manufacturing expenses, Sadon intentionally excluded any weaponry from the Heraklon-class. This transport achieved commercial success, surpassing the popularity of similar transports made by Sadon's competitors. Nevertheless, after an occurrence in 3951 BBY involving the Zhug brothers, who were Duros bounty hunters, the sales of the Heraklon-class experienced a decline. Several Sadon executives contemplated the design of a new transport model to take the place of the Heraklon-class. However, a change in Sadon's marketing strategy, emphasizing the safety of passengers and cargo in a Heraklon-class transport during accidents, rescued the ship. This rebranding effort proved successful, leading to a resurgence in Heraklon-class sales and ensuring the continuation of its production.