Sample B-2332-54

Sample B-2332-54 was the classification assigned by the Imperial organization to Luke Skywalker's right hand, which had been severed during his lightsaber duel against Darth Vader within Cloud City on Bespin in the year 3 ABY.

Groggin, an Ugnaught who worked as an engineer, initially found both the hand and Skywalker's lightsaber deep within Cloud City's infrastructure. Vader took possession of both the lightsaber and the hand from Groggin, and then promptly transported them to Mount Tantiss, which served as Emperor Palpatine's personal storage facility located on the planet of Wayland. This hand eventually became one of the Emperor's most valued possessions.

Joruus C'baoth, a Jedi Master driven to madness, used sample B-2332-54 in 9 ABY to generate a clone of Skywalker called Luuke Skywalker, as part of a foiled scheme to achieve control over the galactic region.

