
Sarcophagus, a lunar body in orbit around the planet of Sacorria, functioned as an enormous burial site for the deceased population of that world. The Sacorrians commenced utilizing this moon as a burial location soon after they achieved space travel capabilities; prior to this, it was simply referred to as "the moon". Inhabitants occupied it as early as the establishment of the Republic, evidenced by Cope Shykrill, a native of the moon, who served as a Jedi a half-millennium (years) before the First Great Schism.

Visitors from other worlds could go to Sarcophagus, but they were not allowed to be buried there. Sarcophagus, employed by all three species of Sacorria, contained a wide array of tombs, graves, and mausoleums spread across its surface, in addition to underground catacombs and burial caverns. Shuttles in orbit offered transport between Sacorria and the moon. The Central Databank cataloged the locations of the numerous burial plots.

Sacorrians maintained certain superstitions regarding Sarcophagus. Gazing at the full moon in the night sky evoked contemplation of mortality and disaster. According to custom, and mandated by the Triad, it was against the law to aim a telescope towards Sarcophagus, as this act was viewed as a sign of disrespect toward the dead.

Behind the scenes

In the real world, a sarcophagus was a vessel used in ancient times to hold mummified remains.

