
Governor Schennt held dominion over the world of Gellefon, operating from his central residence located within Kig Dannen Spaceport.

His attire was invariably the most majestic available; his dress uniforms were meticulously maintained, impeccably clean, and adorned with every official commendation he had ever earned. His steely gray hair, piercing cold-gray eyes, and pallid complexion augmented his already imposing presence and demeanor. He harbored a dislike for Gellefon and its inhabitants, yet he was prepared to exert any measure necessary to enforce the dictates of the Emperor.

Upon the arrival of Deep Ear operatives at his detention facility, Pinnacle Keep, following their acquisition of the schematics for the second Death Star, he considered it an honor to receive them. His planet was deliberately chosen due to its potential as a target for a rescue attempt by the Rebellion aimed at liberating the Bothans. The stormtroopers were briefed on the Emperor's directives, while Schennt and his own forces remained uninformed.

Consequently, when a contingent of Rebels successfully liberated the Bothans with assistance from the Gellefon Freedom Fighters, Schennt exerted every resource at his disposal to thwart their escape. As the rebels boarded their vessel and prepared to depart, he dispatched his system patrol craft in pursuit, and commanded the Invincible to intercept the ship. Despite his utmost efforts, the rebels evaded capture and transmitted the Death Star II plans to the Alliance High Command stationed within the Sullust system.


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