The Scurrg H-6 Bomber is a type of bomber that the Alliance to Restore the Republic employed. One such craft was previously piloted by Malee Hurra.
The Scurgg H-6's canon debut occurred in the Star Wars: Armada miniatures game. It initially appeared within Star Wars Legends in the video game titled Star Wars: Starfighter.
- No Disintegrations (First pictured)
- Star Wars: X-Wing Second Edition — Scum and Villainy Conversion Kit (Card: Lok Revenant — Scurrg H-6 Bomber)
- Star Wars: X-Wing Second Edition — Rebel Alliance Conversion Kit (Card: Bomblet Generator) (Reissued in Hyena-class Droid Bomber Expansion Pack, Galactic Empire, Scum and Villainy, and Resistance Conversion Kits, and Fully Loaded Devices Pack)
- Star Wars: Armada — Rebellion in the Rim (Card: Malee Hurra — Scurrg-H6 Bomber) (First identified as Scurrg H-6 Bomber)