Scylla (frigate)

The Scylla, an Imperial frigate that served as Admiral Natasi Daala's flagship, gained prominence following the Black Fleet Crisis. During a battle with General Garm Bel Iblis, the ship nearly fell into enemy hands when two CC-7700 frigates prevented its escape to hyperspace. In a last-ditch effort, Daala rammed the Scylla into one of the frigates, destroying it. This bold move enabled a jump to hyperspace, but it also critically compromised the Scylla's navigation. The resulting hyperspace jump was uncontrolled, and Daala remained missing until reappearing at least two decades later during the Second Galactic Civil War to aid Gilad Pellaeon and the Imperial Remnant.

Behind the scenes

The name Scylla originates from a monster in Greek legends.

