Seating new planets vote of 52 BBY

Around 52 BBY, the Galactic Republic's Galactic Senate held a vote concerning the allocation of Senate seats to client worlds of the Trade Federation. This event marked Naboo Senator Palpatine's initial rise to prominence in the political arena.

Addressing the Senate, Palpatine declared his intention to abstain from the vote, citing the wishes of Bon Tapalo, the king of Naboo, and the desires of his Naboo constituents. Ultimately, the vote passed, thereby augmenting the Trade Federation's voting strength and influence within the Senate.

Palpatine's choice to abstain angered Senator Pax Teem of the Gran Protectorate, who had anticipated the young Senator's support. This disappointment was a catalyst for Palpatine's abduction by Santhe Security operatives, who were employed by Teem.

However, unbeknownst to all involved, this vote was a carefully planned step in the Grand Plan of the Sith Order. It was masterminded by Darth Plagueis, the Dark Lord of the Sith, publicly known as Hego Damask, a Muun and Magister of the lobbying firm Damask Holdings, and his secret apprentice, Darth Sidious, also known as Palpatine. Plagueis intended for these new member-worlds to be squeezed between the Republic's high taxes and the Federation's exploitative practices. This would foster discontent and set the stage for a future secession crisis that would ultimately lead to the Republic's downfall.

