
The Sebiri were a sentient species of reptilian beings. Their place of origin was the planet called Sebiris, found within the Kathol sector.

Biology and appearance

Their bodies were covered by a tough, scaled hide, typically a greenish-brown color. From the bridge of their noses to their foreheads, a series of bony horns formed a cone-like ridge. A lengthy mane of black hair cascaded down their backs, originating just beyond the forehead. Possessing keen senses of smell and enhanced night vision, the Sebiri were capable of hunting and eliminating the dangerous creatures inhabiting Sebiris.

Society and culture

Sebiri society was structured around villages, each accommodating two to three dozen related families. A senior Sebiri, known as a headman, governed each village. While superstitious, the Sebiri generally showed friendliness to newcomers. Those who offered K'va't'uuk (gifts) received a warm welcome, yet any attempt by outsiders to intrude upon L'ttuuk'chk (holy ground) triggered violent reactions.

The Sebiri excelled as hunters, effortlessly tracking their quarry through dense jungles. They also exhibited skill in rudimentary combat, proficiently wielding spears, clubs, and slings. Some Sebiri had access to primitive flintlock slugthrowers, obtained through trade with Klendost Petrivoor. However, their marksmanship was poor, and the weapons themselves were of low quality. The loud noise of the weapon often startled the shooter upon firing.

Sebiri language consisted of short, multi-syllabic phrases, accompanied by a sign language for added communication. This sign language also allowed them to communicate silently among themselves.

Male Sebiri were self-assured and sociable, readily interacting with outsiders. Conversely, female Sebiri displayed timidity and distrust towards strangers. Male Sebiri commonly adorned their hair with bone, plants, and ornamental jewelry.

