Sebiris, a planet found in the Sebiris system, resided within the Outer Rim Territories' Kathol sector. This hot jungle planet served as the homeworld for the Sebiri, a species of primitive humanoids distinguished by their scaly hides. Sometime in the past, an advanced race, known to the Sebiri as "those who came before," had visited Sebiris. The Sebiri believed this race created the jungle and performed miracles using glowing charms. The only remnant of their presence was the ruins of a stone temple situated in the planet's equatorial region.
During the initial years of the New Republic, the Imperial saboteur and assassin called the Wraith made multiple trips to the planet. He sought to acquire a virulent toxin for his assignments. In 8 ABY, the New Republic CR90 corvette FarStar journeyed to Sebiris to find a cure for the toxin, as their commanding officer, Captain Kaiya Adrimetrum, had been infected with the poison. Despite the hindrance of the Wraith's presence and a confrontation with the Sebiri natives, they succeeded in their mission.

The planet Sebiris was located at coordinates M-21 within the Kathol sector of the Outer Rim Territories, specifically in the Sebiris system. Hyperlanes provided connections from Sebiris to the Pembric, Galtea, and Dolstan systems. Using a Class One hyperdrive, travel to Pembric II took two days and fourteen hours, while Galtea was a day and three hours away. Transit to Dolstan via the Sebiris Run required fourteen days and nine hours, as starships had to traverse the desolate space known as the Marcol Void.
Sebiris, a hot terrestrial world, was inhabited by the Sebiri, a species of primitive humanoids who resided in small tribal villages. The atmosphere was breathable, and the gravity was 1.2 times standard. A Sebiris day lasted twenty-two standard hours, while a year consisted of 277 local days. The planet was abundant with plant life, including herbs that could counteract a poison found on the world, which was fatal to most humanoids. Dangerous animal predators also roamed Sebiris. Dense jungle terrain covered the planet, and due to the primitive nature of its inhabitants, Sebiris lacked major cities or spaceports. However, a hexagonal structure with a domed crest stood in the planet's equatorial region. The Sebiri did not build this structure; they told stories of beings called "those who came before" who had constructed it without using tools. Visitors to the world often traded low-technology goods with the natives, including luxury and exotic foods, spices, fabrics, tools, and weapons.
In 3643 BBY, during the Cold War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, the Sith maintained a presence on Sebiris. The Empire's activities on the planet were linked to Project Chimera, an initiative by the Science Bureau that studied the effects of the Nightmare Lands on Voss on non-native lifeforms.
At some point in Sebiris' history, an advanced species—later known as "those who came before" by the Sebiri—arrived, colonizing and spreading throughout the region. They performed miracles using small, glowing charms and devices. The Sebiri believed they created the jungle covering their homeworld and built a large hexagonal structure without any tools. The building was constructed from a single piece of stone native to the planet's southernmost continent, moved approximately 2,000 kilometers from its original location. Over time, the structure was abandoned and reclaimed by the jungle, covered in vines and foliage.

The native Sebiri developed a tribal culture centered around villages led by a headman. They were aware of other races in the galaxy, and off-worlders occasionally visited to trade with them. By the time of the Galactic Civil War, a Sebiri village had been established half a kilometer from the hexagonal structure. The inhabitants considered the structure, now resembling a mound due to accumulated growth, as sacred ground constructed by "those who came before" and prohibited off-worlders from approaching it. Any attempts to approach the ruin were met with violence.
During the early years of the New Republic, an Imperial saboteur and assassin known as the Wraith frequently traveled to Sebiris. Using the alias "Klendost Petrivoor," he traded flintlock slugthrowers to the natives and acquired the virulent poison produced on the planet. He used this poison for assassinations carried out for his employer, the Imperial warlord, Moff Kentor Sarne. At some point, the Wraith hid a freighter on the planet's surface.
Major Breslin Drake of the New Republic Intelligence Service was tracking the Wraith, driven by a personal vendetta after the Imperial agent severely compromised the "Archive system," an intelligence-gathering network. Drake discovered that a man named Petrivoor, an agent working for Sarne, visited Sebiris. Matching Petrivoor's skills to the Wraith's, Drake decided to investigate. He visited the same village as the Wraith and discovered the hexagonal structure. When Drake asked the village's headman for a guide to investigate the ruins, the headman refused and advised him to stay away. Drake, however, decided to investigate anyway and was caught sneaking out of the village. The village's hunters became hostile, throwing spears at Drake, which his blast vest deflected. Drake scared off the Sebiri with shots from his blaster pistol before fleeing the planet.
In 8 ABY, the New Republic CR90 corvette FarStar arrived at the planet in search of an antidote to the native poison. Their commanding officer, Captain Kaiya Adrimetrum, had been struck by a dart coated in the toxin and was in a coma. Drake was now part of the ship's crew, as was the Wraith, posing as a bouncer named "Drenn." Drake and the Wraith had been working together for several months at the ThrusterBurn Tapcafe on Pembric II, unaware of each other's true identities. Drake suggested Sebiris as a possible destination for an antidote, as its effects matched the Wraith's known use of the toxin, and shared his information on the Imperial agent with the crew, alerting the Wraith to Drake's true identity. A large, well-armed mission group was dispatched to the surface on Drake's advice, concerned about dangerous wildlife and the possibility that his last visit had changed the Sebiri's attitude towards off-worlders. Drake's fears were unfounded, and they met with the headman of the village he had visited previously. The team was escorted to the Sebiri village, where the headman recounted the tales of "those who came before" and revealed that an antidote existed, but the herbs grew near their sacred ground. Initially, the headman resisted all efforts to acquire an escort to the ruins, but after receiving an appropriate number of gifts, he agreed to personally lead them to the site with twelve of his hunters.
Upon arriving at the site, the headman gathered the required herbs and passed them to one of the New Republic delegates. The headman then referred to Drenn—who had volunteered for the mission—as "Petrivoor" within earshot of Drake. The Wraith, realizing he had been discovered, drew his blaster rifle and opened fire on the hexagonal mound, enraging the Sebiri. The Wraith shot one of the hunters and fled into the jungle, pursued by several Sebiri, while the rest turned on the New Republic team. The delegation managed to extract themselves from the situation, returning to the FarStar, where they cured Captain Adrimetrum, bringing her out of her coma.
The crew of the FarStar could not stop the Wraith from escaping the planet, as he used the freighter he had hidden there during a previous visit. While recovering in the FarStar's sick bay, Adrimetrum mused that the Sebiri's stories of "those who came before" and their devices sounded similar to the exotic technology possessed by Moff Sarne. Sarne had used these devices during his escape from his capital on Kal'Shebbol during the New Republic's liberation of the planet, and Adrimetrum wondered if Sarne was using technology left behind by a previous species that had inhabited the region centuries earlier.
Sebiris was the homeworld of the Sebiri, a humanoid race with scaly skin. They had a tribal culture, living in primitive wattle-and-daub huts organized into villages led by a headman. Although primitive, they were aware of life on other planets, generally friendly towards off-worlders—especially those who brought gifts—and looked forward to their visits.
In Sebiris' equatorial region, a village was established and visited several times by the Wraith, Breslin Drake, and a mission group from the corvette FarStar. Half a kilometer from the village was a hexagonal structure with a domed crest built by an advanced race. Constructed from a single piece of stone, the exterior was covered in intricate carvings, while the interior was smooth with no evidence of its origins.
Sebiris first appeared in Traitor in our Midst, the sixth RPG adventure in The DarkStryder Campaign in 1995. It was written by Eric S. Trautmann and Paul Sudlow with illustrations by [Philip Tan](/article/philip_tan]. Sebiris was later mentioned in the 2011 video game Star Wars: The Old Republic.
In the adventure, the players have several options for resolving the confrontation between the crew of the FarStar and the Sebiri. If they choose to fight, after killing or stunning five of the Sebiri hunters, the rest will retreat, allowing the crew to escape. They can simply run from the fight, but the thick jungle foliage puts them at a disadvantage against the Sebiri. The natives suffer no movement penalties in the undergrowth, while the player characters' movement speeds are halved. Alternatively, the players can attempt to broker a truce after the Wraith flees. If successful, the headman demands more gifts and banishes the characters from the planet forever. It is noted that the headman refuses to hand over the antidote, requiring the characters to take it by force. However, earlier in the narrative, the headman is stated to have already passed the necessary herbs to a member of the landing party. As the adventure ends with Captain Adrimetrum's successful recovery from the herbal remedy, this article assumes that the characters obtained the cure, but makes no assumptions about how they achieved this.