Second battle of Imperial Center

The Second Imperial Center Battle occurred during the Zaarin insurrection and was fought at the Imperial Center, also known as Coruscant.

Initial Events

Emperor Palpatine, having received word that the Rebel Alliance had fallen for the trap on Endor concerning the Death Star II schematics, departed from the Imperial Center. He boarded his personal C-3 passenger liner, named the Excalibur, to travel to a Super Star Destroyer that would transport him to Endor. During this journey, escorted by the TIE Advanced x1 Alpha Squadron, the Excalibur was ambushed by Zaarin's forces. These forces included the Assassin-class corvette Ram and at least a pair of Assault Gunboats. Zaarin's forces were notified via radio transmissions of the Excalibur's location, and a substantial attack group, composed of some of Zaarin's elite units, was dispatched to intercept the Excalibur. Unable to withstand the attack alone, and recognizing the Emperor's survival as crucial to the Empire's continued existence, Colonel Maarek Stele, a TIE pilot and Emperor's Hand, was ordered to provide reinforcements to the Excalibur. Stele led TIE Advanced x1 Delta Squadron, including his Missile Boat, Tau 1.


Following the skirmish, the Emperor returned to Coruscant. Although the Emperor and, by extension, the Empire were temporarily secure, Imperial Intelligence investigations into the ambush revealed that the Assault Gunboats used in the attack originated from the Emperor's own special reserve forces. This indicated that Zaarin maintained a network of agents infiltrated within the upper echelons of the Imperial hierarchy.

Palpatine later consulted with Grand Admiral Thrawn about the battle's progress. Thrawn informed him that he had prepared a trap for Zaarin.

Production Notes

The composition of the second wave of attackers is contingent on the fate of the two Assault Gunboats.

  • Should Z-Mu 1 be destroyed first, the attack will consist of Assault Gunboats targeting the Liner, while TIE Avengers attempt to draw away the escorts.

  • Should Z-Mu 2 be destroyed first, the attack will consist of at least nine additional Assassin-class corvettes, along with Assault Gunboats.

  • Should both be destroyed simultaneously, the Frigate Kimik will remain in position and deploy TIE/sa bombers to attack the Liner and TIE Avengers to engage the escorts.

