
Sedesia was a planet situated in the Mid Rim, recognized in Legends continuity for its high gravity and characterized by its difficult terrain and severe weather patterns.


Sybegh Abya, a native of Sedesia

The planet's axial tilt, measured at 45 degrees, was responsible for its dramatic and volatile weather. During the winter months, approximately one-sixth of the planetary surface experienced complete darkness. The combination of rapid planetary rotation and substantial temperature variations led to intense weather phenomena, marked by sudden and powerful winds and storms, rendering the use of repulsorcrafts largely impractical.

The dominant features of the planet's landscape were expansive steppes and tundras, punctuated by occasional forests.


Sedesia's colonization occurred several centuries preceding the Galactic Civil War. The inhabitants primarily established themselves in scattered farms, smaller communal settlements, and a number of urban centers, with Besia Osurne being the largest. Their livelihoods were based on ranching, animal herding, and logging activities in regions with higher moisture levels. The challenging climate and strong gravitational pull fostered a population of Sedesians known for their self-sufficiency, resilience, and resolve, but also for their strong-willed nature. In terms of technology, Sedesians utilized contemporary advancements while also relying on imported space-age technology and locally manufactured industrial-age equipment. In the tundra regions, where road conditions were poor, Striders remained the primary mode of transport.

During the Galactic Civil War, Sedesia became a significant center of Rebel activity. Rebel operatives and those fleeing the Empire frequently sought sanctuary on remote farms, and substantial quantities of breedtash meat were clandestinely transported off-world to support the Rebel Alliance. This situation shifted when the Galactic Empire responded with force: Under the Pathogen-Based Loyalty Enhancement Program, spearheaded by Dr. Fesjo Negleem, the Empire disseminated the "Gray Death," a synthetically engineered virus, among the populace in an attempt to subdue the planet. Within a fortnight, the virus had infected over 99 percent of the population, resulting in the deaths of more than 35,000 individuals and effectively crippling the government, military, and all Rebel resistance efforts.

Following the outbreak, COMPNOR and military personnel entered and assumed control of the planet in a completely peaceful occupation. SAGroup volunteers then distributed a cure under the guise of providing humanitarian aid. For several months, this suppressed any Rebel sentiment on the planet until Rebel agents exposed the truth. Consequently, Sedesia initiated a revolt against the Empire. However, despite initial disorganization, the taskforce responded swiftly and regained control of the planet through force.


Besia Osurne

The sole starport on the planet was situated in Besia Osurne, Sedesia's largest city. It had a population of 250,000 inhabitants and housed several stockyards and processing facilities for breedtash meat. The city was also home to the tavern known as Trail's End.

Imperial research center

Located just half a kilometer outside Besia Osurne, this facility, previously a veterinary center, served as a research hub for Imperial scientists working to develop a cure for the Gray Death plague, and also functioned as the headquarters for Dr. Fesjo Negleem.

