
Senaru, a male Arcona from Legends, journeyed to Taris during the Cold War to request assistance for his native moon. A chemical freighter carrying hrucium-5 had crashed on his moon, causing significant damage to the ecosystem and inhabitants. Because of this disaster, Senaru traveled to Taris with the intention of studying the planet's toxin-resistant species, hoping to find a way to artificially confer resistance to the toxins on his own people and the wildlife of his moon. He then reached out to Representative Lessah, who pledged to assist Senaru in getting the data to his people.

Nevertheless, he became aware of the dangers present on Taris, and as a result, he employed a Republic-supporting person to conduct the scans in his stead. This person was successful, giving the data to Lessah, whose true motivation was to use the data to advance her own ambitions. After she exposed her true intentions, the individual rebuked the representative for her self-serving motives.

Production Notes

Senaru was developed for Star Wars: The Old Republic, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game that BioWare launched on December 20, 2011. He is featured in the Taris quest titled "Disease on a Distant World".

