Senator of Bilbringi

An unidentified senator served as the representative of Bilbringi within the New Republic Senate.

In the year 12 ABY, this senator put in a request for the New Republic to dispatch a team of communications specialists to the mining colony situated on Artus Prime. The colony had ceased communication after reporting the finding of a substantial quantity of Artusian crystals. In accordance with the Senator's wishes, a supply ship was dispatched to the location. Unbeknownst to the Republic, the Empire Reborn had seized control of the mines. The ship carrying the communications team also vanished in the Outer Rim, suggesting it too had been captured.

During the Chief of State election in 28 ABY, Lando Calrissian bribed another senator from Bilbringi, who was also unnamed and possibly the same individual. This senator was a member of the Defense Council.

Behind the scenes

Both N.R.I. Reports and The New Jedi Order: Destiny's Way were published in the year 2002. This suggests that the anonymous politician is likely a recurring joke.

