Separatist may be a reference to:
- The Confederacy of Independent Systems, often called the Separatists or the Separatist Alliance, which was a government that seceded from the Republic. Also, Separatist holdouts, which were the remaining forces of the Confederacy of Independent Systems after its downfall.
- The Neo-Separatist Coalition, which was a group of separatist organizations under the leadership of Anto Kreegyr.
- The Separatist Coalition, an organization that included Mon Mothma as a member.
- The New Separatist Union, which was an ambitious government spanning the galactic territories.
The Mantellian Separatist Movement, an organization established on Ord Mantell during the Cold War in opposition to the Galactic Republic.
The Confederacy of Independent Systems, often called the Separatists or the Separatist Alliance, which was a government that seceded from the Republic. Also, Separatist holdouts, which were the remaining forces of the Confederacy of Independent Systems after its downfall.
The United Separatist political faction within the New Republic.
Quinlan Vos's Separatist spy network, an organization created by Jedi Masters Quinlan Vos and Tholme during the Separatist Crisis.
The Onderon separatists, an organization collaborating with the Sith prior to 3951 BBY.
- The Separatists, a booklet from the Star Wars Encyclopedia.
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