Separatist cruiser

A cruiser type was deployed by the Separatist faction throughout the duration of the Clone Wars.


A ship of this class over Kashyyyk.

These cruisers shared a superficial similarity with the extended Venator-class Star Destroyer of the opposing Republic Navy, as well as the Providence-class Dreadnought employed by Separatist forces. Details regarding this ship class are scarce, but it is known it could function within an atmosphere and possessed a minimum of two dual turbolaser cannons as weaponry.


This cruiser type was present during the engagements at both Geonosis and Kashyyyk.

Behind the scenes

A ship of this class over Geonosis.

The initial appearance of this ship class was in Star Wars: Republic Commando, during missions that took place on Geonosis and Kashyyyk. It can also be briefly observed in Star Wars: The Force Unleashed within the PS3/PC, Xbox 360, and Wii versions. Specifically, it is featured within the Raxus Prime stage. Following the defeat of a Junkyard Titan, Starkiller leverages his Force powers to fashion a pathway using one of these ships, which is embedded in the scrap heaps covering the planet. It's worth noting that the cruiser's size appears considerably reduced compared to its depictions in other games.

