
CT-6/774, also known as Seven-Four, was a clone trooper who specialized in heavy weapons and served as a turret gunner on a LAAT/i. Just before the Battle of Haruun Kal, his LAAT/i was positioned on Halleck.

Clone trooper lieutenant Four-One and 2nd Lieutenant CL-33/890 were Seven-Four's commanding officers, and he collaborated with Eight-Three, another Auxiliary Heavy-Weapons Specialist and gunner.

During the Haruun Kal battle's suborbital descent, their assault force was attacked by Vulture droids, leading to significant losses. Although he achieved multiple kills, enemy fire damaged his turret's servo-boom, causing it to detach from the gunship. The surviving Republic vessels proceeded into the lower atmosphere to complete their mission, leaving Seven-Four and other soldiers who had been ejected from their Jadthu-class landing ships and gunships stranded.

Despite this, Seven-Four utilized the turret's backup powercells to eliminate the final Vulture droid with a decisive shot. The droid had been pursuing the gunship from which he was separated, which the clones then used to rescue all of the survivors. Seven-Four's bravery and skill led to a recommendation for a commendation for his actions on the battlefield.

