Severian, a Shistavanen from the bounty hunting profession, worked as a bounty hunter.
Darth Vader, acting on the Emperor's advice, employed Severian to apprehend Sagoro Autem. The target was located on Coruscant during 19 BBY. Severian successfully located Autem first, but was ambushed by Tartuta, a Dug who trailed him intending to steal the bounty after Severian's find. Tartuta rapidly approached Severian and inflicted a severe wound, severing a large portion of his arm, causing him to fall from his elevated position. Despite this, Severian survived the fall and the subsequent blood loss. He managed to obtain medical aid and then lay in wait to ambush Autem a second time, as Autem was traveling to a ship to leave the planet. Autem defended himself with a knife he had taken from Tartuta, and killed Severian by stabbing him multiple times.